Friday 21 July 2017


So,yes i have always being this girl who refuses to grow up infornt of few people.But oviously that doesn't stop me anyway to acknowledge and ponder over thing's going around me.There are thing's around that raises question's,people who inspire, soul's that passess on stories.Making my pen write.
This is to you who lost your old individual self at some point in their life's.
Life is all about maintaining our individuality in a world and in a society which is constantly conspiring to make you more of them.
We always tend to become like the set of mind's we cling on.Sometimes by choice and sometimes by chance.
During my growing year's i was told to hide the straps of my bra and keep a check at my neck-line.At the same time i was told to wear my bra's constantly to maintain the shape of my breast's and make them look beautiful.My beautiful curves hid behind my loose tee's and i was even to told to workout to maintain them.Fuck,then why hide something which is beautiful.What is the shame and constant paranoid of hiding something beautiful.
Yes,you heard me right.Our grandmother's, mother's,aunt's have not made us do all this effort for the sake of beauty or for us to flaunt our bodies but to look beautiful for a certain man behind the closed door's.sorrowfully true.
This is just one aspect an example.Individuality is not restricted to gender,choice's and person.It is about rebeling and fighting to maintain it,sometimes with the world and sometimes with ourselves.We all have had our part of setbacks,failure's, heartbreak's.Your imperfections,insecurities,ability to understand and not understand, being immature,childness,hunger to be loved,emotions doesn't make you weak.It unapologetically is your individuality.
We all have lost that certain someone in our lives,
We all are a little broken inside..:)
Let's just hold on to and celebrate that certain someone we presently have whole heartedly.
Your life is all about holding on to your individuality against everyone and everything that forces you to change.
Let's not change,
Let's learn,grow and evolve from within.Holding on to our real,raw and naked selves!.